Sep 30, 2020
MEETING Complacency in Recovery. Is there a way to prevent it? What are some strategies to get out of being complacent? Participants: Amy, Andre, Brian H, Brian Z, Jeff, Kelly, Matt, and Tom.
Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.
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Sep 28, 2020
Cam Adair founder of Cam is a video game addiction expert and an international speaker. Cam was addicted to playing video games. Since arresting his gaming, he has become an advocate for reducing harm caused by video game addiction.
Please listen and learn from those who know. A better...
Sep 26, 2020
John is a recovering gambling addict, currently working to help kids and families avoid the pitfalls of gambling addiction in video games. John's journey is an incredible tale and easily the best transformation I have witnessed in my time running this podcast. He is a profound storyteller and I wish there were more...
Sep 24, 2020
Where do you find joy? It is a simple question with many different ideas. Participants: Andre, Brad, Brian H, Brian Z, Jeff, Matt, and Shane.
Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.
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Sep 22, 2020
In the third episode Dave interviews Jeff Wasserman to discuss his work with Veterans. Jeff Wasserman is a former Attorney who uses his knowledge to help problem gamblers.
Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.
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