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ALL IN The Addicted Gambler's Podcast

Nov 30, 2020

Jack joined us for an episode earlier in 2020 to discuss his gambling addiction. He wanted to come back on the podcast to discuss what happened after the podcast when he relapsed, found recovery, and what he learned from his experience. Jeff flies solo in this brilliant interview that so perfectly describes...

Nov 26, 2020

Our meeting group discusses gambling during the holidays and how feeling lonely can trigger the addiction. And an old friend returns to reach out for help. Please be safe. 

Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.

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Nov 25, 2020

Daniel Umfleet is the Founder & CEO at Kindbridge Inc. He joins the podcast to discuss this new teletherapy company with a focus on gaming and gambling disorders. Check out the website at

Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.

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Nov 24, 2020

Through his faith, hope, and love, Brian Z is able to enter recovery for a gambling addiction. Part 2 of 2

Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.

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Nov 24, 2020

Brian Z, who you may recognize from our meetings episodes, shares his powerful story about his gambling addiction. Brian is a gifted speaker so please listen and learn. This is part 1 of 2, I said gifted speaker, not brief;)

Please listen and learn from those who know. A better life without gambling.

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